Kansas Courts to resume issuing marriage licenses

The Final Touch Studios is pleased to inform our customers and those looking to get married that the Kansas Supreme Court has announced today the Office of Judicial Administration has worked out a process to allow some district courts to resume issuing marriage licenses. In the Kansas City area this includes Johnson and Wyandotte counties. The process allows a couple to get a marriage license without in-person contact with court staff. The new process begins Monday, April 20, 2020. Applicants must call the court to begin the process. In Johnson County, call 913-715-3428. In Wyandotte County call 913-573-2843. These are challenging times requiring flexibility and creativity, as well as a lot of patience. Rosemary and the Final Touch Studios remain available to help with all floral, custom floral and wedding design for your special day. Call 913-422-1663 to discuss your flowers and plans with Rosemary.

Rosemary Clyde

Final Touch Studios



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